Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
Two fingers up because they are so holy
by oppostate inthe two-finger-i'm-so-holy hand gesture is an old mannerism of catholic and orthodox hierarchs.
it's all over their catholic paintings and scultures, and greek orthodox icons of, jesus too.
................................... here then, the holy gesture is adapted for use even by our very own gb members who are trying to appear most holy themselves.. .
Half banana
Being rather literal about Letts' hand gesture; I suggest he is unconsciously asserting a fine or nuanced definition rather than playing the holy saint like Mr Polish Pope is. -
A MODERN FICTION: the lie which became a GOVERNING BODY
by TerryWalstrom insafe to say, if you walked up to any of the 8 million jehovah's witnesses on earth today and told them the.
governing body was a fiction, not only would they refuse to believe you--they'd consider you their immediate enemy!.
what if i told you jw's embrace a mental construct which is at odds with history?.
Half banana
Thanks Terry for your arduous research. Since going off the gold standard of the "generation of 1914" this doomesday cult has a real credibility problem at the top of the organisation.
On what demonstrable authority do they seek such control?
The only authority they now have left to them is simply that they have inherited it as leaders of the cult. Oh! How they hate being called leaders but that’s what they plainly are. The whole raison d’être of the organisation was to announce that JC came in 1874. It was this unprovable claim which gave Russell his authority, it was to climax with God removing all his enemies by 1914. This became obsolete as have all subsequent claims for divine pronouncements of their organisation, yet the revisions of ‘truths’ have never stopped the money coming in; the masterstroke in cult organisation! No money no cult. Their forebears had through a century of propaganda and promise of unattainable hope, built up the Watchtower giant of today with millions of gullible followers and billions of Dollars. Any organisation needs directors, theirs is a religious one ...all religions will claim their leadership to be authorised by God and yet all they can say, without any demonstrable authority is, “Obey us.”
It is like a tragic merry-go-round with enough inertia to keep spinning and enough suckers who will listen to the callers at the religious fairground... and be taken for a ride.
List of Prominent JW Urban Legends...
by Tuesday inhey folks,.
i'm wondering if you all could help me with my next video that i want to put up in the next couple of days (though i'm hoping for tonight), i want to come up with a list of the most prominent urban legends surrounding jws and then refute them whatever they may be.. i'm thinking there's the urban legend about the question on jeopardy that said the nwt was the most accurate would be a good one.
that one stems from an online powerpoint presentation named theological jeopardy and a book which was written comparing six different translations of the bible.
Half banana
It's an urban legend widely spread, that the Bible is a holy book and what it says is directly from God.
That Dwight Eisenhower's parents or at least his mother was a JW (or Bible Student) is true.
the rumor again surfaces....
by sowhatnow insomeone please tell me how or if i can find proof that the rumor [that is pasted below] that was posted by a friend [still in, but should know better] on my face book page is false, [which of course we all know it is,] this makes me so angry, i have to stick my neck out and comment on this post but need something to back me up....anyone want to enlighten me where this got started?
i need proof he never said such a thing, it seems to me its false.
whats interesting is this, the bible in the photo accompanying the statement below is the latest version.... [photo].
Half banana
@Calebin, what you say is very informative. How curious it is that although academic writing is universally acceptable, when it comes to anglophone Bible translations each national variant group wants it to reflect the differences and nuances peculiar to its own national ear. This says something about a country possessing its own Bible...a matter of nationhood identification with a sacralised text.
the rumor again surfaces....
by sowhatnow insomeone please tell me how or if i can find proof that the rumor [that is pasted below] that was posted by a friend [still in, but should know better] on my face book page is false, [which of course we all know it is,] this makes me so angry, i have to stick my neck out and comment on this post but need something to back me up....anyone want to enlighten me where this got started?
i need proof he never said such a thing, it seems to me its false.
whats interesting is this, the bible in the photo accompanying the statement below is the latest version.... [photo].
Half banana
Dubble -
Has the WT ever said it's okay to steak rare?
by neverendingjourney ini'm revisiting an old topic here, but this was a subject of much confusion for me when i was still a witness.
i went to a spanish congregation in the u.s. and it seemed to be taken for granted by most that you needed to cook beef thoroughly to "get rid" of the blood.
i was surprised when i learned that folks in the english speaking hall would order a steak medium-rare and think nothing of it.. it wasn't until after i left the witnesses that it started to occur to me that if the red fluid that was present when you'd cut the beef was blood, cooking it thoroughly wouldn't get rid of it, it'd just cook it and transform it into another color.
Half banana
double post
Has the WT ever said it's okay to steak rare?
by neverendingjourney ini'm revisiting an old topic here, but this was a subject of much confusion for me when i was still a witness.
i went to a spanish congregation in the u.s. and it seemed to be taken for granted by most that you needed to cook beef thoroughly to "get rid" of the blood.
i was surprised when i learned that folks in the english speaking hall would order a steak medium-rare and think nothing of it.. it wasn't until after i left the witnesses that it started to occur to me that if the red fluid that was present when you'd cut the beef was blood, cooking it thoroughly wouldn't get rid of it, it'd just cook it and transform it into another color.
Half banana
Quite so Splash.
@ Tiki,it just demonstrates the utter stupidity when JWs might say Noah was allowed to eat meat but not the blood.
For goodness sake JWs: Wake up! Noah is just a character from a book of fiction..............................................
Like for example as Big Ears said to Noddy;
"When you make road kill in your toy car you can eat all of the meat on the deer but the great Invisible Wizard in the sky says you mustn't drink its blood".
"Why is that Big Ears?"
" 'Cos the Invisible sky Wizard is big on not drinking blood".
"And what happens if we drink it?" Said Noddy
"He'll come down and smite you and you'll never drive your toy car again" said Big Ears"
"Blimey!" said Noddy, "I don't fancy this Sky God bloke".
the rumor again surfaces....
by sowhatnow insomeone please tell me how or if i can find proof that the rumor [that is pasted below] that was posted by a friend [still in, but should know better] on my face book page is false, [which of course we all know it is,] this makes me so angry, i have to stick my neck out and comment on this post but need something to back me up....anyone want to enlighten me where this got started?
i need proof he never said such a thing, it seems to me its false.
whats interesting is this, the bible in the photo accompanying the statement below is the latest version.... [photo].
Half banana
(wrong thread)
Has the WT ever said it's okay to steak rare?
by neverendingjourney ini'm revisiting an old topic here, but this was a subject of much confusion for me when i was still a witness.
i went to a spanish congregation in the u.s. and it seemed to be taken for granted by most that you needed to cook beef thoroughly to "get rid" of the blood.
i was surprised when i learned that folks in the english speaking hall would order a steak medium-rare and think nothing of it.. it wasn't until after i left the witnesses that it started to occur to me that if the red fluid that was present when you'd cut the beef was blood, cooking it thoroughly wouldn't get rid of it, it'd just cook it and transform it into another color.
Half banana
R u a jw then Splash? -
Australian RC - Hot topic
by punkofnice ini have listened to segments of the hearing.. i am really impressed with the way the rc are well informed about jw procedure and the 'flock book'.. does anyone know how the rc got so clued up?
are they just that good at what they do?
(not saying they're not).. have 'mentally diseased apostates(tm)' been of use to the rc?.
Half banana
What is apparent is the contrast with of the “wait on Jehovah” type of JW mentality vs the rigorous investigation of the lawyers. When confronted by the hard issues in the real world the org looks pathetic. JWs can hardly imagine how professional people have not only to study hard to get where they are but are then enabled to assess any legal situation by understanding how all societies work both civil and religious and know how power is maintained and deployed within them.
To permit abuse of the innocent by the 'two witnesses' rule and permitting abusers remain in the congs; is glaring evidence that the JWorg does not care for its people. Perhaps now the world and JWs too are being informed of this?